Thursday, April 24, 2008

Entrecard Entry

This is a bit late but that’s ok. I’m not a huge fan of Entrecard or other blog networking website so writing about it would be the last thing I would do. But some of my friend constantly asked me “how to start one?” or “how does it work?” So here it is. Signing up with EntreCard is so easy but getting the most out of it is not a walk in the park.

You should have an existing blog/website in the first place of course. Register your site for free at Entrecard select a category of your site and make a 125 x 125 image that best describe your site. Then select the widget you want to appear in your site and copy-paste the html code.

You’re almost done on your way to Entrecard stardom. But before anything else you need to earn credits first since advertising here is done thru ec(Entrecard credits) and not thru your plastic visa. You can earn credits by dropping other member’s card found somewhere in their blog/site and vise versa. You can also earn ec when someone advertises in your blog.

Lastly, promote your site. The cheapest advertising price is 2ec. Consider checking the site as well before you advertise. Does it have enough traffic and regular reader? Is it related to your blog/site? Those are just few things you need to consider to make the most of Entrecard.

For more info visit Entrecard

Thanks for reading, hope you learn something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u can also check the entry here..